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More information Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you! Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! truncus sympathicus translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'trunks',trunk',truancy',truncated', examples, definition, conjugation One of the two long, ganglionated nerve strands alongside the vertebral column that extend from the base of the skull to the coccyx; they are connected to each spinal nerve by gray rami and receive fibers from the spinal cord through white rami connecting with the thoracic and upper lumbar spinal nerves. Synonym (s): truncus sympathicus [TA] .

Truncus sympathicus перевод

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Verständnis haben to be sympathetic to mitfühlend sein to be sympathetic to sb. mit jdm. sympathisieren to feel sympathetic to sb. mit jdm. mitfühlen cervical sympathetic trunk

Damnum partis superioris trunci sympathici laesione praeganglionica syndroma Horner perficere potest. Intra operationem regionis colli diligenter cura ne truncum sympathicum vulneretur ponenda est.

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hemiazygos accessoria truncus pulmonalis aa. vv. pulmonales ductus thoracicus nll. parasternales • Nerver n.

Truncus sympathicus перевод

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P. R. Billingsley. Anatomical Laboratory of the Northwestern University Medical School . Preganglionic ways flow, mostly, through the truncus sympathicus, making nervus splanhnicus major and minor, changing over much more peripherally (e.g. in the solar plexus celiacus). Although certain pains are surely carried out over sympathetic ways (e.g. at abdominal colic and causalgia), it is possible, that these afferent ways do not belong to the right sympathetic, than the cerebrospinal system. 2020-01-14 Pars Thoracalis Truncus Sympathicus) The thoracic portion of the sympathetic trunk (Fig.

Zur Überp rüfung dieser Truncus sympathicus krūšu daļu veido 10 ganglia trunci sympathici, kuri savstarpēji savienoti ar rr.
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Truncus sympathicus перевод

Although certain pains are surely carried out over sympathetic ways (e.g.

symphysis, -is, f – симфиз (хрящевое truncus, -us, m – ствол, туловище. tuba, -ae, f – труба. tubarius, -a, -um –  heten de truncus sympaticus (grensstreng) of de paravertebrale ganglia. maar ze kunnen ook overschakelen hoger of lager in de truncus sympathicus.
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Nyckelordlista_Homeostas_1.7_Brauns.pdf - DOKUMEN.TIPS

Preganglionic ways flow, mostly, through the truncus sympathicus, making nervus splanhnicus major and minor, changing over much more peripherally (e.g. in the solar plexus celiacus). Although certain pains are surely carried out over sympathetic ways (e.g.

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Aortas vg genom retroperitonealrummet har tre frgreningar; Truncus Sympatikusstimulering ger en kad dromotrop effekt. Oveckat prot. transp. posttranslationellt in via TOM- [transfer over outer BUKORGANENS INNERVATION (Sympatiska nerver som utgr fr truncus sympaticus. Ductus er rikelig sympaticus innervert og det antaes at prostaglandiner (bl.a PGE1) hemmer V-H-shunter, spesielt på arterie- eller ventrikkelnivå; PDA, truncus arteriosus communis, Transfer of drugs and other chemicals into human milk.
